الانجليزية الامتحان الوطني 2010 مع عناصر الاجابة

خاص تكتاتح االهتحاى رقن االهتحاى االسن الشخص و العائل الوعاهل 4 تارخ و هكاى االزداد اللغح اإلنجلزح هذج اإلنجاز 3 س شعثح اداب والعلىم اإلنسانح هسلك اداب الوادج الشعةج النقطح النهائح على 20 خاص تكتاتح االهتحاى اسن الوصحح و تىقعه اللغح اإلنجلزح شعثح اداب والعلىم اإلنسانح هسلك اداب النادج الشعةج C NS10 ورقح اإلجاتح الصفحح 1 على 4 Professor Muhammad Yunus a Bangladeshi banker and economist is the inventor of the idea of microcredit It consists in giving out small loans to people who are too poor to obtain credit from ordinary banks His revolutionary Grameen Bank which is based on principles of trust and solidarity helps needy people to start small businesses and move out of poverty Mr Yunus who is often referred to as the banker to the poor came up with the idea in 1976 while teaching economics at Chittagong University in southern Bangladesh He found out that lending small amounts of money to the women who were making furniture in a nearby village could make a difference in their life He lent 27 from his own pocket to 42 women who used to borrow money from local lenders who asked for high interest rates Thus microcredit was born and so was Grameen Bank Until now it has lent 638 billion to 74 million of the poor in the world most of them in Bangladesh According to Mr Yunus the majority of the beneficiaries are women since they not only use the money they get from the bank better than their husbands but they are also careful about paying it back The professors idea is to help the poor to help themselves give a man a fish and you feed him for a day teach him how to fish and he feeds himself for life So he never gives charity to a blind person a disabled beggar or a mother holding her baby Yunus told journalists in an interview at Grameen Bank quotI prefer to solve their problems for the rest of their life and not just take care of them for one dayquot To guarantee repayment the bank uses a system of solidarity groups To be selected for a loan the borrowers have to form a group to support each other in repaying If one group member fails to pay back his debt the others are also responsible Even beggars have benefited from this programme They have been given small loans to start out as street vendors to help them give up begging The success of Grameen Bank has encouraged many developing countries and even industrialised ones to adopt this model Banks similar to Grameen Bank have been operating in many countries including France Canada and the US where microcredit has been introduced to some of the poorest communities in Arkansas Professor Yunus has managed to solve financial and social problems of millions of poor people His work therefore has been internationally recognised In 2006 he received the Nobel Prize for his efforts to create economic and social development for people from the lowest level of society The Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee said that by giving the award to Mr Yunus they wanted to encourage the fight against poverty as well as the need to empower women I COMPREHENSION 15 POINTS BASE ALL YOUR ANSWERS ON THE TEXT A FILL IN THE CHART WITH THE RIGHT INFORMATION FROM THE TEXT 3 pts Name Muhammad Yunus Occupation Year when he began lending money Amount of money Grameen Bank has lent till now Mr nabil Sbaybi wwwmyteachernabilcom
ال یكتة أي شء ف هذا اإلطار 4 على 2 الصفحح C NS10 B ARE THESE SENTENCES TRUE OR FALSE JUSTIFY 2 pts 1 Only poor countries have copied Grameen Bank model 2 Muhammad Yunus has been rewarded for his efforts to combat poverty C ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS 3 pts 1 What type of credit does Grameen Bank give to poor people 2 Why do more women benefit from Grameen Bank credits 3 How does the bank make sure that borrowers pay back their debts D COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES 2 pts 1 Yunus prefers not to help people for one day but 2 Grameen Bank lends money to beggars in order to E FIND IN THE TEXT WORDS THAT MEAN THE SAME AS 3 pts 1 receive paragraph 1 2 money given to the poor paragraph 3 3 credit paragraph 4 F WHAT DO THE UNDERLIND WORDS IN THE TEXT REFER TO 2 pts 1 they 2 ones II LANGUAGE 15 POINTS A FILL IN EACH GAP WITH AN APPROPRIATE LINKING WORD 2 pts in order to - however - because of - although - therefore 1 Ali had to stay in hospital his serious illness 2 We set up this association help illiterate women learn how to read and write Mr nabil Sbaybi wwwmyteachernabilcom
ال یكتة أي شء ف هذا اإلطار 4 على 3 الصفحح C NS10 B FILL IN EACH GAP WITH AN APPROPRIATE PHRASAL VERB FROM THE LIST 2 pts look after - put off stand for - look forward to - bring about - find out 1 The aim of the Family Code in Morocco is to changes in the social conditions of women and children 2 I seeing you again next summer 3 Have you tried to how much this mobile phone costs 4 The initials WHO World Health Organization C GIVE THE CORRECT FORM OF THE WORDS BETWEEN BRACKETS 2 pts Brain drain is the emigrate of skilled people to better geographic economic or profession environments D PUT THE VERBS BETWEEN BRACKETS IN THE CORRECT TENSE 3 pts Hans Were you still living with your parents when you get your Bac Salim No I join a boarding school in Casablanca three years before that Hans Did you enjoy your stay there Salim Not at all I wish I be with my family E COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING DIALOGUE APPROPRIATELY 2 pt 1 Friend I have a terrible fever You Give advice 2 Neighbour You were playing loud music late last night I couldnt sleep You Apologise to your neighbour F REWRITE THE SENTENCES BEGINNING WITH THE WORDS GIVEN 4 pts 1 Its 930 and my friend hasnt arrived yet Its probable that he missed the bus He might 2 Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook Facebook 3 The test will be about the first two units The teacher said The teacher informed the students 4 I dont have enough money so I cant buy a laptop If I Mr nabil Sbaybi wwwmyteachernabilcom
ال یكتة أي شء ف هذا اإلطار 4 على 4 الصفحح C NS10 III WRITING 10 POINTS Mobile phones are now used by millions of people Write an article for your school magazine to state the advantages and the disadvanges of mobile phones Approximately 300 words These suggestions may help you - advantages communicate freely texting taking pictures sending messages etc - disadvantages dangerous when driving no face-to-face communication etc - your opinion Mr nabil Sbaybi wwwmyteachernabilcom
4 3 س المعامل مدة اإلنجاز المادة الشعبة أو المسلك NR10 الصفحة 1 1 KEY AND MARKING SCALE Please accept any appropriate answer not mentioned in this key ICOMPREHENSION 15 POINTS Candidates should not be penalised for grammar and spelling mistakes A CHART FILLING 3 pts 1 pt for each correct answer Occupation Banker and economist Year when he began lending money 1976 Amount of money Grameen Bank has lent till now 638 billion B TRUEFALSE 2 pts 1 pt for each correct and justified answer 1 False Even industrialised onescountries 2 True He received the Nobel Prize C QUESTIONS 3 pts 1 pt for each correct answer 1 Micro credit small loans 2 They not only use the money they get from the bank better andor they are careful about paying the money back 3 The bank uses a system of solidarity groups D SENTENCE COMPLETION 2 pts 1 pt for each appropriate answer 1 for the rest of their lifehelp themselves 2 help them give up begging E WORD MEANING 3 pts 1 pt for each correct answer 1 obtain 2 charity 3 debt loan F WORD REFERENCE 2 pts 1 pt for each correct answer 1 women 2 Countries II LANGUAGE 15 POINTS A GAP FILLING 2 pts 1 pt for each correct answer 1 because of 2 in order to B PHRASAL VERBS 2 pts 05 pt for each correct answer 1 bring about 2 look forward to 3 find out 4 stand for C WORD FORMATION 2 pts 1 pt for each correct answer emigration - professional D VERB TENSES 3 pts 1 pt for each correct answer got - had joined - had been E DIALOGUE COMPLETION 2 pts 1 pt for each appropriate answer 1 You should I adviseYoud better Why notetc 2 Im sorry I do apologiseetc F SENTENCE REWRITING 1 might have missed 2 was created 3 that the test would be about 4 had money could buy IIIWRITING 10 POINTS Scoring criteria Scores Relevance of content to the tasks 3 pts Paragraph and composition organisation 2 pts Appropriateness and variety of vocabulary 2 pts Accuracy of grammar 2 pts Mechanics spelling punctuation capitalization 1 pt Mr nabil Sbaybi wwwmyteachernabilcom


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الانجليزية الامتحان الوطني 2010 مع عناصر الاجابة - الدورة العادية
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الانجليزية الامتحان الوطني 2010 عناصر الاجابة
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